Does K Republiq Glass Skin Really Work: A Review

As with a lot of products on this site, I came across K Republic Glass Skin on social media and decided I had to try it out. I’m always so curious to see if new products and fads work — at the moment, it feels like every second ad on Instagram is for a new product promising to give me Korean-style glass skin. Does it really work? This is what happened.

Does K Republiq Glass Skin actually reduce the size of your pores and create a smooth complexion? I tried it out so you don’t have to.

As with a lot of products on this site, I came across K Republic Glass Skin on social media and decided I had to try it out. I’m always so curious to see if new products and fads work — at the moment, it feels like every second ad on Instagram is for a new product promising to give me Korean-style glass skin.

I decided to splash out on K Republiq because the products were created with extreme hydration in mind, which is what ultimately gives you that glass-like look. It’s basically advertised as a glass skin routine. The ingredients list is packed with polyglutamic acid which holds ten times more moisture in your skin than hyaluronic acid. Bakuchiol helps reduce fine lines without drying your skin like retinol, niacinamide helps smooth pores, and vitamin C and squalene help illuminate and plump the skin. I was basically using all these products anyway, but now they’d be concentrated in single product line.

The ads feature women age 20 to 60 with pretty convincing before and after photos. Usually, models for these products are in their 20s with flawless skin, which doesn’t really show how well the products work for everyone. I’m in my 30s, which isn’t old, but my skin isn’t like it was in my 20s. I’m pasty pale, I live in a hot climate, I am very photosensitive, I have sun damage, mild rosacea, and fine lines. The product is marketed for people of for all ages and apparently it’s ten times more moisturising than hyaluronic acid.

K Republiq Glass Skin: A Review

I bought a kit with three pieces: Glass Skin Glazing Essence, Glass Skin Serum and Glass Skin Finishing Glaze.

Shipping was super fast and I had my kit within about three days. It also came with a free Gua Sha. I was happy to find the bottles were large and full to the top with product. They’re pink, bulky and hard to lose. The essence is a spray, the serum is a pump bottle, and the glaze is in an airless pump vacuum bottle — you push the lid down and product comes out the top.

I was going out one the evening I got the package so immediately washed my makeup off so I could use my new products underneath. Deep down, I was kind of hoping my skin would immediately transform into youthful radiance like it seemed to in the ads. Obviously that didn’t happen, but I think it did look a bit shinier…sort of glass-like, you could say.

According to the website, you’re supposed to spritz your face with essence and let it sink in before using about two pumps of the finishing glaze. My skin did feel a bit smoother with the glaze — it felt kind of tight on my face, but not in an uncomfortable way. Make up went smoothly over the top.

I was ready for the night routine when I got home. I washed the make up off, used the essence and a pump of the serum. The serum was pearly-white and went on very easily with my fingers. It dried pretty quickly before I used the glaze. Again, the glaze had the tight-ish feeling on my skin.

What happened

I repeated this routine for weeks, replacing all my products — hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, lactic acid, retinol, and agrilene — with K Republiq. I used the essence and glaze morning and night, adding the serum only in the evening. My skin felt noticeably smoother on the first day and the feeling never went away. Months later, my skin still feels really smooth.

By the end of the month, I was running low and decided to make the most of Black Friday sales. This time, I bought two kits which included the Magic Balm. The mask is a very thick, pearly pink wax-like product that is very thick and melts in your fingers. I put way too much on the first time. A little goes a long way, it even says that on the packaging, but I can’t stress that enough — a little goes a long way. I put it on at night instead of the glaze, because it’s way too thick to go under makeup, and my skin is super smooth by morning.

K Republiq Magic Balm Review


Three products replace about seven, the products are packed with moisturizing and hydrating ingredients, and they’re vegan. When I asked my partner if the difference was visible, he said it did. My pores were smaller, mild redness had lessened, and it had a dewy glow about it. My skin didn’t get sick of it, I didn’t develop an allergy or intolerance to it, and I have noticed fine lines aren’t as visible.


The products are expensive. They’re large bottles that last a while, and you can also get some pretty decent deals on the site, but it’s still significantly more than The Ordinary, which costs about $12 a bottle. I initially paid $99 for the Glass Skin Glazing Essence, the Glass Skin Serum and the Glass Skin Finishing Glaze. I didn’t have to get the pack of three, but the finishing glaze on its own costs about $79, so it was better value to get the pack. I also decided the only way to find out whether the products really worked was to buy the whole routine. I went back about a month later to check out the Black Friday specials and the price was jacked to $119…go figure.

One thing I really didn’t like was the airless pump vacuum bottle the glaze comes in — it pumps well the first few times and then it’s impossible to get anything out of it. The jar does unscrew really easily so you can get every last bit of product out, but you shouldn’t have to do that. The pump function is as much to do with ease as it to do with portion control. The jar instructs you to use two pumps morning and night, and that’s not possible when the pump function doesn’t work. It’s a small problem, but worth mentioning.


Krebuliq products really do work and I bought them again. Do I have flawless and glass-like skin? No. Do I still feel the need to wear makeup when I leave the house? Yes. It did not completely even out my skin tone, nor did it fix rosacea. I do not look like the women in the ads, even the ones who are twice my age. But it did help with my skin problems and I do feel as though it’s good for my skin. It looks healthy and vibrant, and it feels great.

Want me to review something else? Let me know in the comments below!

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K Republiq Glass Skin Review | Help! I Look Terrible

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